i wanted to buy this clock on etsy. it really wasnt that expensive. but i hesitated. then i decided to buy it and i went back and someone else had bought it. i want to find them and kill them and take the clock. even if theres blood on it. fuck i need to go to sleep. you ever make something, or attempt something and then you come across someone doing it so much better it makes you want to suicide sob your tear balls out till theres no more tears in there? i liked to do collage till i came across this girl whose name i forgot's collages. jane doe here kills it.
He's the lone creative force at Aching Back CREATIVE, faking his way around adobe creative suite and wishing that people still had to make art with their hands. At home with a razor blade or pair of scissors, he spends most of his time trying to catch up with the rest of the computer age, and wishing he had bought a mac ten years ago.
Laughing in the face of layer masks, he works with scratchboard and collage, pens and paints, stopping only for his thrice daily sugar/breading ingestion while trying to graduate design school as "the old guy who doesn't play video games", and dreams of a day when he will have the free time(a.k.a. self discipline) to work on epic self gratifying pet projects, and complete the worlds longest run on sentence.
Shoot him a line and he'll make you pretty pictures for pennies on the dollar. achingbackcreative@gmail.com
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