so after much ado, including renouncing my staunch atheism after hearing of its impending arrival...I actually FUCKING FORGOT that the spicy chicken was popping off yesterday at chick fil A.
I had a crazy awesome first day at my new internship and delicious delicious chicken was the last thing on my mind. Luckily my wife reminded me when i got home (read: sent me to get her one) and disaster was averted. Anyway... on to the bird. I mean what do you expect, its awesome. Just like everything they do. Its noticeably spicier than wendy's, take that dave thomas! and i bet with some sriracha rooster sauce this would approach next level shit. I dont know what they do over there at chickfila but the shit is working. they got bright cheery teens who look like they want to do nothing more than hand me a sammy. When i go to KFC (which i dont) and they say, were having a great day here at KFC. i dont believe that shit! but when freckle face jenny tells me its her "pleasure to serve me" down at chick filA you can take that as gospel. It must be all that christianity that makes it. Sundays off does a chicken good.
My only complaint is they are hedging their bets and not automatically releasing this in biscuit and nugget form. give the people what they want man...